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At Worksafe Flanders, you can test various demos thanks to our partners and exhibitors.
Worksafe 2021

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client satisfaction
Accepted Cases
Success Rate

Cycling workshop

How to create more safety while commuting on the (electric) bicycle or speedpedelec? Come along to VSV’s demo area and test out one of the cycling workshops. Starting every half hour from 09.30h.

Technology for Workable Work

Test various demos to improve and evaluate workability in production environments using industry 4.0 solutions or methodologies:
  • Dashboards to clearly visualize data from machines in a production environment
  • Exoskeletons for industry
  • Sensor-based ergonomics monitoring and dashboarding
  • Monitoring of the environment in a scalable way
Technologie voor werkbaar werk

Ergonomics Work Zone

Looking for ergonomic office furniture? Take a look at the Ergonomics Work Zone, test the furniture and feel free to keep working right away too.

The Hazard Factory Demo

Recognise safety hazards at these hyper-realistic construction sites in VR. Enter the VR training arena with your colleagues and discover what VR can do for you.
Logo The Hazard Factory

Prijs per sessie (voor- of namiddag) incl. parking, VIP-lunch, aanwezigheidsattest en beursbezoek

– Early bird prijs t.e.m. 14/03: € 95 (excl BTW) – Standaardprijs na 14/03: € 135 (excl BTW)
Come to the largest Belgian meeting point for prevention advisers & facility managers on 22 & 23 March 2023 and take part in the second edition of Worksafe in Antwerp Expo! 120 expert/exhibitors in health, (fire)safety and well-being at work welcome you in Antwerp Expo for a well-filled day with interesting lectures, demos and networking. All this in a professional and convivial atmosphere. Stay up to date during the masterclasses organized by our strategic partners. You will also be entitled to visit Maintenance and M+R with your entrance ticket: 3 birds with 1 stone!


Logo Maintenance
Logo M+R

“The must attend trade fair for prevention and well-being at work in Belgium.”

Katia Dombrecht – idewe

Titel heading 4 in geel

Dit is titel heading 2

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, conse ctetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus off, luctus nec ullamc orper mattis, pvinar dapibus leo.
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